Aromatic plants are highly prized for their ability to enhance the flavors of dishes and for their many medicinal virtues. Often easy to grow, they are a beautiful addition to your garden or even your balcony in pots. In this article, discover the most popular aromatic plants, their various uses and some tips on how to grow them.
Qu’est-ce qu’une plante aromatique ?
An aromatic plant is one whose leaves, stems, flowers or seeds are used to perfume, season or preserve food. Some of these plants also have medicinal properties and can be used as natural remedies to treat a variety of ailments. Commonly used aromatic plants include thyme, savory, sage, basil, mint, parsley and coriander, among others.
Growing aromatic plants at home
La culture des plantes aromatiques n’exige pas nécessairement un grand espace ni des compétences particulières en jardinage. Selon l’espèce choisie, vous pouvez planter vos aromates en pleine terre. En pot ou en jardinière, à l’intérieur ou à l’extérieur.
Here are a few tips for successful cultivation:
- Choosing the right exposure : la plupart des plantes aromatiques préfèrent un emplacement ensoleillé. Certaines variétés comme la menthe ou le persil tolèrent l’ombre.
- Prefer well-drained soil Soil that's too moist can cause root rot and hinder the growth of your herbs.
- Water moderately : veillez à ne pas sur-arroser vos plantes. Un arrosage trop fréquent peut favoriser l’apparition de maladies et rendre les feuilles moins parfumées.
- Regular pruning Cut off spent flowers and pinch stem ends to encourage better branching and new leaf production.
Essential aromatic plants for your garden
Thyme (Thymus vulgaris)
Thyme is an aromatic perennial plant with a powerful fragrance and small, evergreen leaves. Native to the Mediterranean basin, this herb is resistant to drought and harsh winters. In cooking, thyme enhances the flavor of many meat, vegetable and sauce dishes. It also has antiseptic and expectorant properties, making it a natural ally against respiratory infections.
Savory (Satureja montana)
La sarriette, également appelée “poivre d’âne”, est une plante aromatique vivace qui pousse spontanément dans les régions méditerranéennes. Ses feuilles au goût peppery and slightly spicy are used to season meats, fish, vegetables and legumes. Savory also has digestive, antioxidant and antibacterial properties.
Sage (Salvia officinalis)
Sage is an aromatic perennial native to the Mediterranean basin, appreciated for its powerful fragrance and medicinal properties. In cooking, it is used to season meat, poultry and fish dishes, as well as sauces, stuffings and omelettes. Sage leaves are also used in infusions to relieve sore throats, coughs and digestive disorders.
Aromatic plants to embellish your garden
Les plantes aromatiques ne se contentent pas d’éveiller vos papilles ; elles peuvent aussi ajouter une touche esthétique à votre espace vert grâce à leurs formes variées, leurs couleurs vives et leurs fleurs souvent parfumées.
Here are a few examples:
- Lavender (Lavandula angustifolia) Provence: this aromatic plant with its generous blooming and enchanting fragrance is a true symbol of Provence. It also attracts pollinators to your garden.
- Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis) Rosemary: with its evergreen leaves and violet-blue flowers. Rosemary lends itself well to creating hedges or borders in the garden.
- L’estragon (Artemisia dracunculus) This herb with its long, slender, leafy stems adds a touch of lightness to flower beds and window boxes.
All in all, there are many advantages to growing herbs at home:
- Elles permettent d’agrémenter vos préparations culinaires
- Profiter de leurs bienfaits médicinaux et d’embellir votre jardin tout en attirant les pollinisateurs.
N’hésitez donc pas à ajouter quelques plants de thym, sarriette, sauge ou autres herbes aromatiques à votre espace vert pour en tirer tous les bénéfices.