argan hair
caviar hair care
coconut hair care
prickly pear hair care
black cumin hair
keratin hair
hair silk protein
amla hair

Luxurious fragrance offers you the very best in perfume creations, as well as the best in hair products, what's more! So it makes perfect sense to offer you only luxury ranges for your hair.

The hair products we offer here are an undisputed opportunity to give your best, to enjoy a healthy hair mass. We'll tell you all about it right now.

Definitely luxurious hair products

Parce que Luxurious fragrances met un point d’honneur à vous proposer le meilleur, pas étonnant que tous les produits que vous trouverez dans cette catégorie soit high quality and luxury to boot.

Ainsi, vous retrouverez des gammes complètes de produits à base d’ingrédients d’excellence. Comme notamment la figue de barbarie, le caviar ou encore l’argan.

The undeniably prestigious ingredients found in these products for the beauty of your hair will do their part in a wonderful way! Here are the products that await you.

We start with caviar!

We start here with l’élite de l’élite, caviar-based hair products will dazzle you with their incredible benefits!

In particular, you will have the privilege of savourer l’excellence des produits Rose Baie.

Indeed, this sulfate- and paraben-free professional range, à base de kératine qui plus est, met à votre disposition un shampoing ainsi qu’un masque à la kératine et à l’extrait de caviar !

A perfect combo to restore your hair mass to full, luxurious health right away!

What's more, you can also treat yourself to a little treatment that will do you a world of good, with the PROHAIR professional range and its incomparable Botox Caviar!

With a Keratin base, too, it's sure to look gorgeous! And speaking of Keratin, we've put together a selection of the very best!

But also, Kératine hair products are sure to be sublime!

When it comes to hair care products, it's unthinkable not to offer you THE benchmark in hair care.

We're talking about Keratin and its exceptional benefits! These are shampoos, conditioners, masks and skincares qui se retrouvent ici pour combler pleinement vos besoins. Vous tournez vers des soins à base de kératine, c’est give your hair intense nourishment. Ainsi qu’proven moisturizing and invaluable softness. 

Kera Queen’s, Arganicaire et ProHair : nous vous offrons ici incontestablement le meilleur en termes de savoir-faire ! Pour redonner brillance et vitalité à votre masse capillaire !

Et n’oublions pas le produit cheveux Ricin ! Ils nous vont si bien !

Once again, the entire range is here! To sublimate you in an incomparable way! Visit castor, for the beauty of hair, is undoubtedly recognized! It's only logical that you should find it here, of course!

You can enjoy the benefits of this true gift of nature in the shampoo. But also after shampoos, masks and serums!

So.., nourish, soothe, repair and, what's more, growwill be well within your reach! This selection of Luxurious fragrances is definitely incredible!

S’ajoute à cela nos produits cheveux nigella, figue de barbarie ou encore Amla. Quoiqu’il en soit, whatever choice you make, you won't regret it!